Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Rose Shaped Pau

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera

Haaa....  Cheq sue gerenti lah, kat mana2 pun xde rose saiz cam pau cheq sue ni, kat kebun2 bunga CH pun tarak, hanya special keluar dari dapur cheq sue aje...bukan takat gred A, tapi dah jadi A+++ ni tau. Gebun tahap gaban pau ni... Dengan tangan yang tak berapa berseni ni lagi la tambah menembamkan rupanya...

Lepas nengok di blog Mamafami, terus aje cheq sue bookmark resepi tu. Memang teruja untuk mencuba, selalu buat bentuk gitu2 aje bila buat pau, tapi bentuk rose ni sangat2 la menarik. Bila Kak Ita dan Izah pun dah buat pau gaya ni, memang tambah teruja sehingga cheq sue mintak sedikit inti kacang daripada teman sedapur a.k.a tokey kek, cheq da.

Agaknya lapisan kelopak rose tu cheq sue terbanyak kot, tu yang jadinya agak besar saiz pau ni. Memula dah buat guna bread maker, tapi tersalah setting pulak. Dah lama tak guna, di letaknya no 5, tetibe tgk dah hampir masak adunan pau cheq sue... alamak, dah tak boleh diselamatkan lagi... jadi rezeki cik yam dah... So cheq sue bancuh pulak satu adunan menggunakan food processor. Campak2 aje... senang! Tapi lupa nak masukkan pewarna. Bila dah siap penaikkan sekali ganda baru teringat. Time tu kalau dah masuk warna susah sikit la nak blend jadi sekata. Kan dah jadi varieti baru kaler rose ni!

Cuba tengok versi sebelum dan selepas. Kalau nengok ke inti tu, bukan sengaja tau, tapi x tahu camana nak kasi tutup, nak nampakkan ada buds tapi x tau nak buat. So buat ajelah ikut pandai sendiri... atau dengan kata lain, memandai-mandai aje... Kalau ada sape yang nak cuba tu bolehla merujuk mana-mana link yang cheq sue letak ni. Jangan segan2 menambah pengalaman okeh... Wassalam...

Nota : Lepas sekolah ni nak balik kampung...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bahagia!

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Wendy's Red bean Spiral Pau

Ingredients :
  • 250ml warm water
  • 100gm sugar
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 500gm pau flour (low gluten flour) yang ni cheq sue guna gandum je
  • 1 sachet dry yeast
  • 50gm shortening cheq sue ganti dengan 3 sb minyak jagung
  • Red bean paste for filling
Method : (using Bread Maker)
1. Into the bread maker pan, pour the lukewarm water. Add sugar and salt.
2. Top it with flour and drizzle the dry yeast. Select the dough setting and press start.
3. When the ingredients is just combined, add in the shortening and leave the bread maker to finish the cycle.
4. Divide dough into 50gm portions.

Rose Shaped Buns by Wendy
1. Make small dough balls of 15gm each.
2. Flatten each ball and roll out flat.
3. With fingers, press the sides of the circle to make them flatter and to create ripples (uneveness) .
4. Arrange 6 pieces of flattened dough, half stacking on top of each other.
5. Start rolling from the first piece on the bottom.
6. With a chopstick, saw the roll, it will roll while you saw, creating a fatter center than the sides. Eventually it will break into 2.
7. Place rose buds upright on a piece of paper.
8. Let buns rise to double and steam on high heat for 12 minutes.

*Tip : Flatten out enough dough balls for one round of steaming before flattening out the rest. Keep dough in fridge to prevent over proofing while you slowly form the rose buds. And keep the formed rose buds in the fridge(covered) to slow down the 2nd proofing while you shape. This method does take time to complete.

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